Pep(link/wave) Device Settings

Pep(link/wave) Device Settings


Travel Data has a Peplink Certified Engineer on staff to complete the activation configuration remotely via the Peplink InControl system. Peplink makes it easy for us to remotely configure your router - and your personal information is never exposed to Travel Data, and you retain all control over your device at all times. You may inform us via email reply that you do not require this service, or it will be completed automatically for you at the time of activation. 

Your Peplink device will usually automatically detect most settings, however, some settings need to made manually. Travel Data is able to make all of these changes for you, providing a hassle-free user experience. 

Auto-Configuration by Travel Data

If you're not comfortable making changes to your router, Travel Data is able to remotely configure it on your behalf using the Peplink InControl system. 

If you already have your router subscribed to an existing InControl environment, we may ask you to release it temporarily so we can provide automatic configuration.  Travel Data will add your router to the Peplink InControl environment and configure your router for you. Once configuration has completed, we'll release the router from our InControl environment and you may add it back to your own environment - be sure to select the option to retain the device settings, so the Travel Data configuration is not overwritten. 

If your router has never been subscribed to InControlTravel Data will add your router to the Peplink InControl environment and configure your router for you. Once configuration has completed, we'll release the router from our InControl environment and you may add it back to your own environment if you choose to do so - be sure to select the option to retain the device settings, so the Travel Data configuration is not overwritten. 

Manual Configuration

First you must access your Pepwave's administration console. Please note: Internet is NOT required to access the admin console. The admin console is located inside of the router, not on the internet, so you'll only need to connect to the wifi, or lan cable to access this page. Make sure you are connected to your Peplink via WiFI or an ethernet cable connected to the LAN port of your peplink.
Since you don't have internet yet, you may get a warning of "No Internet Connection" on your phone, tablet, or computer - please disregard this warning. Internet is NOT needed to complete the configuration.

Open a web browser and navigate to and login using your set credentials. By default the credentials are username "admin" password "admin" but they must be changed at your first login so use whatever password you set. Please consult your routers manual for your exact IP address.

Once logged in your will see the Dashboard page. Click on the Details tab next to the cellular connection you wish to modify the TTL settings for. See below screenshot. 

This will bring up the cellular details sub menu with information on the cellular connection. From here you must scroll down as the page is quite long to the section called "Physical Interface Settings". Here you can modify your TTL settings using the "Enforced TTL" dialog box, and update the MTU to 1500. See screenshot below. 

Magenta: 65
Red: 100
MTU: 1500

Once you have entered the TTL setting and corrected the MTU to 1500, scroll down to the bottom of the cellular details page and click "Save and Apply". See screenshot below. 

Reboot Equipment

We recommend then waiting 60 seconds to allow the settings to take and then just for good measure we recommend rebooting the modem to ensure the modem re-registers on the cellular network with the correct settings.

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